Here we are...

Here we are...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

~Bees Game~

Stewart Title invited some (not sure how many) title companies in Utah to attend a Bees game and a picnic before hand, at the ballpark. We had a lot of fun. The ballpark had a theme of 'child safety' last night, and Porter made out like a bandit! He got a free bike helmet, a Bees backpack, and a bunch of other little stuff. The helmet is actually a really nice one! We were glad he was able to get all the prizes that he did, it was a lot of fun for him.

A girl, named Katy, that I work with was there with her family, and her daughter Beau just loved Po. It was so cute. Porter wants to be a big brother so bad. He asks Will and I all the time, "When are you gonna have a baby? I want a baby sister!" He just wants someone to take care of. (No comment...) LOL

Porter was also excited because one of the players on the Bees has the last name of Porter! So, everytime he got up to bat, Po would yell and scream for him. It was so funny.
Anyway, we are cooking steaks for dinner tonight! Yummy! We invited my Mom up to have dinner with us. Gotta get the steaks ready...


kcsmiles said...

Holy crap you guys have been busy! It's awesome to see and read all about it! My comment button fades out until you put the cursor on it. Scroll down by where it says "posted by" and go over to the right. The comment thing will pop up. I'll try to fix it later so it's not so high tech! Hee, hee! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

What a fun weekend for you guys. We need to come up and go to a bees game with you all. Love ya!