Here we are...

Here we are...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cecil - The weenie dog

So.. to elaborate on 'the new puppy'.. I went to visit him last night. This is the 3rd time that I have gone to see him. (I can't help it..) And the owner's don't mind, cuz they are our friends. So, it works out nicely. Cecil is so stinkin' cute. I cannot wait to bring him home. Will and I were talking about it last night, and he is pretty excited too. I talked with Brooke & Dusty (the owners) and they said the puppies will probably be able to leave in about a week and a half.. or so... (hopefully a week.. I'm dyin') Anyway, here are some good pictures that I took with my camera last night when I was out there. Enjoy.

This last pic is of Cecil and 2 of the other puppies. There are 6 total. 2 Chocolate, 2 Black, & 2 Black and Tans. They are all so cute.

I have 4 dachshunds at my Mom's house. (they aren't just mine... well, one of them is.. Eddie.) I've wrote about Eddie before. He's my baby. He was born def and partially blind. Poor little guy. So, part of me feels guilty if I were to take him away from the other 3 doggies, and have him sit in the apartment all day BY HIMSELF. But the other part of me feels guilty because I am getting a new little guy. I love Eddie. He is the sweetest dog. He has the personality of a teddy bear. I see him all the time when I go out to my Mom's. And sometimes have sleepovers with him and one of the other dogs at the apartment. (Po loves it when we have the sleepovers..) So, once little Cecil is bigger and potty trained.. We'll have Eddie come up more often, and take Cecil out to see the other dogs at my Mom's too.

Anyway, that's my venting for the day...


kcsmiles said...

Sooooo cute! I love Cecil already! Cali is already wanting a new puppy. She doesn't do that great taking care of the bog we have now! We can't right now amyway, so we'll live through you!

kmmmmmm said...

oh god, he looks like a chocolate bar!!!!! Tori! i'm stoked for you and the guys! what a darling little squish!!!

Jenn said...

Cute puppy! I'm thinking that maybe I should have gotten another dog instead of getting pregnant. I think it would have been easier.