Here we are...

Here we are...

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's been a while....

I cannot believe how bad I've been slackin' on writing blogs... 'Sorry to everyone who visits our blog and is sadly disappointed..' Just a re-cap: Christmas this year was a little different. About 2 weeks after Thanksgiving, Will got a phone call from his Dad (calling from Will's Grandpa's phone in Logan.) Much to every one's surprise, Will's Mom and Dad were home!! They decided that teaching in Jakarta wasn't all it was cracked up to be. They did not like the 'structure' of the school, so they quit, and now they are home. Except the only home they have, is in Bear Lake... and it's more like a cabin. Ha ha ha... So, needless to say, if we want to see them or vice versa, it's about a 3 hour drive.

This is my Mom and my Grandma...

My brother Kale and his wife, Brittany.

We decided that since we spent Thanksgiving and Christmas '06 with my family, and Thanksgiving '07 with my Mom and Grandma, that it would be nice to be with his Mom and Dad for Christmas this year. We had my families little get-together on the 23rd of December and had dinner, exchanged gifts, and played some games. It was nice. Porter was with his Mom this year, so we didn't see him till the 27th.. On Christmas Eve, Will and I went up to Logan to spend some time with the 'whole' family. They have a tradition to play 'The Christmas Game' every year, so we attended. It's a lot of fun. We actually did that last year too, and drove home after so we could spend Christmas Day with my family. So, we went to Will's Uncle's house to have dinner and play the game, then at about 10:00 we drove to the cabin. It was snowing so bad, even on the way to Logan. An hour and a half drive to Logan turned into about a 3 hour drive, and the hour drive to the cabin was about 2. It was rediculous. But, we made it there safely. We spent about 3 days up at the cabin. It was nice. It was fun because it was different from what I am used to.
We also got the chance to meet baby Jack. Will's cousin, Max and his wife Chelsea, had a little baby boy and that was the first time we got to meet him! He is so cute.
These deer were right outside the cabin!
This is the view of Bear Lake from the porch of the Cabin. It's so pretty this time of year!
The gift we gave my Grandma for Christmas this year was awesome! All the cousins pitched in about $20 each, and we got my Grandma (my Mom's Mom) a Family Tree Plaque. It's this big wooden plaque that has the words all carved out. And you can add more names as the family grows. She was so happy. We gave her the gift on Christmas Eve (before Will & I headed to Logan.) All the cousins got together at my Aunt Susan's house to give her the gift. We all wanted to be there when she opened it. It was really cool.

I love the picture where we are all making faces! I think it's hilarious!

This is my youngest brother Ev and his girlfriend, Nina.

For New Years Eve, Will, Porter, and I went to my Aunt Jaime & Uncle Blair's house in Farmington, to play Guitar Hero and Wii. It was soooo much fun. My Mom, Grandma, and some of the cousins were there too. Porter had a blast playing the Wii. He didn't want to leave.

Also, some really good news...!!...!! Will got a new job! He starts on Monday (the 14th) with a company called Aerotek. He's a recruiter/human resource guy. And he's going to make really good money. It's like a blessing that he got such a great position. I knew he could do it, it was just the challenge of finding a job that he would enjoy doing. And with this job, he'll kind of get to use his Degree in Psychology! (It'll kinda come into play...)

Porter had his 6th birthday yesterday (the 10th)! He is getting so big. Will and I started dating when Porter had just barely turned 4. He has changed and grown so much in the past 2 years, it's crazy. I honestly don't know how I could imagine my life without him! Will and Porter are the best thing that ever came along! I am one lucky girl.
Porter decided that he wanted to go to Jungle Jim's for his birthday this year. He had a few friends come and he had a great time. That kid is so spoiled!

Anyway, enough writing for now... I'll make sure to keep up on the blog!


Chelsea Johnson said...

Well its about time! You guys have definitely been busy over the last few weeks! Happy Birthday Porter and congrats to Will on the job!

Anonymous said...

I keep checking and checking, just when I was about to give up, A NEW POST! Thank goodness! Glad to hear you are all doing well, Happy Birthday to Porter and congrats Will on the job! Hope it goes great. It was good seeing you over christmas, although it was really quick! Hope to see you soon.

maggie said...

congrats will on the job! that is awesome. and i can't believe that porter is 6. that is crazy! sounds like you guys had a great christmas and i'm glad you were able to spend it with sandi and craig!